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Top Five Reasons Moms Love WinShape

Moms all over the nation love WinShape Camps for Communities. I am one of those moms. Five years ago as the mom of two preschoolers, I began volunteering at the Madison, AL WinShape Camp. My oldest daughter spent the next four years waiting anxiously to participate in camp herself. Last summer her chance finally arrived. My little “jellyfish” (her Team Time name) truly did have the summer of a lifetime, and I went from being a community leader who loved WinShape to a mom who loves this opportunity for my daughter. Here are the top five reasons I think moms love WinShape.

#5 Say “No” to Boredom
By the end of the summer, the kids are wrinkly from all the time spent at the pool, their Netflix
ques are exhausted, and you are weary from all those trips to the park. The kids need to change things up a bit and so does Mom! There is no time for boredom at WinShape. Each moment of your child’s day is thoughtfully designed to give them new, fun, and exciting experiences. “I’m bored,” are not words you’ll hear for an entire week.

#4 Get Back on Track
As the beginning of August approaches, every mom begins to dream of a return to routine and predictability but dreads the oncoming battle of earlier bedtimes and mornings. After a day at WinShape, your little camper is too tired to fight that 8:00 bedtime, and she will wake excited the next morning, ready for a new day. By the end of the week, you’ll be back into the habit of heading to bed at a reasonable hour, getting up earlier, and getting ready to head out the door each morning.

#3 Just Give It a Try
As moms, we love seeing our kids try new things. WinShape is the perfect place for your kids to test their ability at a new skill in a safe, fun, and encouraging environment. The skills at WinShape vary from dance and painting to archery and lacrosse. There is something to engage and excite every child.

#2 Village Life is Better
Moms know that it takes a village, and WinShape does too! A huge emphasis is put on community at camp. Each child is given a sense of belonging to a small group like a family (their Team Time) but then also a larger group like a city (their Village). They celebrate and cheer for and with each other. Everyone has a place to belong and be wanted. I always loved watching and participating in the relationship building as a volunteer, but I found a new love for it as a mom when my daughter saw a child wearing a WinShape shirt at the open house for her new school last fall. She instantly knew she had something in common with someone in this new and unfamiliar place. The relief on her face told me that there was a greater bond formed that summer than I had realized.

#1 A Bigger Message
The final reason moms love WinShape is my personal favorite. In a world that encourages egocentricity and an obsession with things, it is often hard to be sure our kids know the importance of self-sacrifice and following a passion that can change the world for the better. At WinShape, each moment of the day is carefully crafted to be sure that each child knows that they are made by a loving God, unique and special, and for a God-given purpose. I want my daughter to live her life for something bigger than just her own selfish desires, and the camp staff and volunteers echoed that sentiment in each special moment spent with her. For me, that would be enough to send my girl back to camp this year.

If you or any moms you know, are interested in giving your child “The Summer of a Lifetime”, go to to register. You won’t regret it!


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