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Showing posts from 2018

Nurturing Hacks for the Naturally Non-Nurturing

Today is my second anniversary as a foster mom. So far I have not been showered with balloons or congratulatory cards. Honestly, I didn't notice the significance of the date until someone asked me yesterday how long I had been a foster parent, but since I have now made the connection I will choose to celebrate the milestone after all. Perhaps a venti latte is in my future.  Even Minecraft can't occupy my girls long enough for me share everything I have learned in the past two years, but I would like to share some practical, easy "hacks" I am currently implementing to improve my nurturing skills. Parenting kids from hard places is different than parenting healthy, typically developing kids who have always had reliable caregivers. My bio girls have faired fine with what I have learned is my dismissive parenting, because I have consistently shown up and provided care, my presence, and my affection. If I happen to be one of those moms that tells her child to ...

How'd I Get Here?

If Attention Deficit Disorder had been a common diagnosis during my childhood, I might have qualified. While I have never been hyperactive like my friends with ADHD, I have some classic ADD symptoms. As a kid, I would frequently look up in class and realize I had no idea what the teacher was talking about because I had been immersed for who knows how long in my daydream scenario sparked by her comment on a topic that had long since been left behind. I was an incredibly slow reader because a character in a book could raise a multitude of questions in my mind that simply had to be answered before I could continue reading. My fellow drivers may find this disconcerting, but sometimes I still experience this phenomenon while driving. I set out on my journey and multitask by thinking through a situation as I drive. When I arrive at my destination, I have no idea how I actually got there. I just hope that while my autopilot kicked in to allow my mind to solve the world's problems...