I saw a mommy blog recently where a mom said, "I was promised a village. Where's my village?" I have compassion for the lonely mom who asked this question, but my gut says she wouldn't really like my answer to her problem. I was transplanted to my current home with a six week old baby and no friends or family in my new town. My heart longed for a community, a village. What happened from there is miraculous but was also really hard work. My answer to that lonely mom is you have to be the village before you have a village, and sometimes you have to be the village over and over and over again before you find yours. As a former lonely mom who now has an amazing, better than I deserve village, here are my suggestions: 1. Show up - I am an introvert. New places full of strangers and small talk are uncomfortable for me, but in order to find my village, I had to show up every time I was invited. I met one of my now closest, most treasured friends when I showed up to a church ...