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Showing posts from July, 2017

If You Give a Preschooler a Small Group Leader...

If you give a preschooler a small group leader, she might start crying for her mom until she realizes that she is safe and loved. Then she will probably ask for a hug and a baby doll to hold.  If you give her a baby doll, she will probably start playing and practicing the love and nurturing she is receiving. She will see generosity and learn about sharing. Then she will probably ask her small group leader to sit and play with her.  If her small group leader sits and plays with her, she will learn that she is valuable and welcome in her church family. She will learn to love the Church. All that playing and fun will make her hungry, and then she will probably ask for a snack.  If you give her a snack of goldfish, she will ask for water to wash them down, and if you give her water to go with her snack, she will learn that her needs will be met when she goes to her small group. Her hands and mouth will be busy, so she will probably ask for a story to pass the time....